Software & Apps

Huawei launches mobile app dev platform in cloud push

Updated:2014/4/9 16:27

Chinese telecoms gear maker Huawei has unveiled its backend-as-a-service (BaaS) PowerApp for mobile app developers.

The platform, launched in beta version, aims to liberate app developers from the complex back-end work, according to China Tech News. This will allow them to focus their efforts on the front-end, such as user experience and business promotion.

With the development of the service, Huawei aims to ultimately build an ecosystem to form a comprehensive platform which covers cloud computing, storage, database, and standard middleware services.

There will also be a development support center, where Huawei will partner QingCloud and An Quan Bao to provide app developers with flexible cloud computing, cloud storage, and a CDN network in a one-stop shop.

The facility will also include third-party development interfaces such as social sharing, third-party account logins, weather, and location-based services. It will also provide a library of resources for app development covering barcode information, voice recognition, and music recognition.

Huawei is looking to chalk up US$10 billion revenue by 2017 from its enterprise business and has high hopes cloud will help lead the way. One pillar of the strategy is in providing the technology for busineses to operate in a cloud environment.

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