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China Telecom's 5G plan User Penetration Rate Exceeds 80%

Updated:2024/5/22 16:54

On May 20, China Telecom released its key operating data for April 2024. During the month, the number of China Telecom's mobile users increased by 1.8 million, bringing the total number of mobile users to 413.45 million. Among these, the number of 5G plan users increased by 2.9 million, reaching a total of 331.62 million, with the penetration rate of 5G plan users exceeding 80%.

In terms of wired broadband services, the number of China Telecom's wired broadband users increased by 80,000 in the month, bringing the total number to 192.30 million. For fixed-line telephone services, the number of China Telecom's fixed-line telephone users decreased by 450,000 in the month, bringing the total number to 99.81 million.

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