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China Unicom will invest CNY 14 billion in "Internet +" construction in Shanghai in 5 years

Updated:2016/5/9 17:10

On May 4th, China Unicom became the first major operator to sign the "Internet +" Promoting Strategic Cooperation Agreement with Shanghai Municipal Government.

China Unicom will improve the level of fiber broadband network and high-speed mobile network in Shanghai and promote using of intelligent applications in various fields. In the next 5 years , China Unicom will invest CNY 14 billion in information infrastructures and innovative applications in Shanghai, helping the city realize "Internet +" plan and big data development strategy.

Building the leading information infrastructures

China Unicom will carry out the "double G" plan in Shanghai to strengthen the construction of wireless city and urban optical network and to sharply raise the speed of broadband. China Unicom will deploy the triple-CA 4G+ technology in Shanghai's whole network and the peak speed will be raised from 150Mbps to 500Mbps by 2018 and to 1Gbps by 2020. Shanghai will achieve citywide VoLTE coverage and services including HD audio calls, HD video calls and VoWIFI will be available in 2016. Meanwhile, China Unicom will implement FTTH with 10Gbps passive optical network technology. FTTx is expected to cover 6 million residences by 2018 and 7 billion residences by 2020.

China Unicom plans to take the lead in deploying NB-IoT in 5 years, supporting innovation of applications such as intelligent parking and environmental monitoring. In 2017, China Unicom will complete the construction of NB-IoT covering the whole city and there will be more than 3,000 network base stations.

China Unicom will create the second computer room for Shanghai International Bureau covering 30,000 square meters and build a 69,000-square-meter data base and cloud data center. The IDC data center will own 18,000 rack shelves by 2018 and 23,000 ones by 2020. The cloud computing platform will be able to support 15,600 cloud desktops / cloud hosts and offer 480TB cloud storage by 2018 and support 30,000 cloud desktops / cloud hosts and offer 2,000TB cloud storage by 2020.

China Unicom aims to expand the international bandwidth of Shanghai's metro network from 1,240GB to 2,400GB this year, to 4,000GB by 2018 and 6,000GB by 2020. China Unicom also promotes international submarine optical fiber cable construction in Shanghai while it's estimated that 5TB APG submarine cables will be put into use in 2016 and 10TB NCP submarine cables will come into use in 2017.

Driving innovative applications of "Internet +"

China Unicom plans to create a 2.0 platform of intelligent park, invest CNY 200 million during the validity of the agreement, accelerate the deployment of new network architecture including SDN, construct 10 sunken cloud data centers targeting at parks and commercial buildings and provide them with ICT solutions. China Unicom is committed to make stronger its mobile internet international business center and to improve business incubation platform features, making "Internet +" services cover 10 parks, 100 corporations and 1,000 individual entrepreneurs.

China Unicom will build finance dedicated networks with top speed in Shanghai which links Shanghai to London, Frankfurt, Chicago and other international financial hot spots.

China Unicom actively participates in the construction of big data trading center in Shanghai. It will carry out big data derivative products transactions facing innovative applications.

In addition, China Unicom will offer different kinds of information integration services to help city management by building environment monitoring platforms and dedicated IoT management platforms of city public utilities which supports real-time collections and intelligent analysis of data for the management of public infrastructures. There will be over 1 million terminals that are in data collections for Shanghai in 2020.

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