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Three Major Telecom Operators Have 1.4 Billion 5G Plan Users

Updated:2024/5/21 16:00

On May 20th, the three major telecom operators released their operational data up to April. Among them, China Mobile saw a net increase of 643,000 5G plan users, bringing the total to 799.179 million users; China Telecom had a net increase of 2.9 million 5G plan users, totaling 331.62 million users; and China Unicom's 5G plan users increased by 2.285 million month-over-month, reaching a total of 271.15 million users. Adding these figures together, the number of 5G plan users of the three major telecom operators has officially surpassed the 1.4 billion mark, reaching 1.402 billion users.

However, 5G plan users do not equate to 5G users. According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, by the end of the first quarter, the number of 5G mobile phone users in China reached 874 million, accounting for 49.8% of mobile phone users.

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