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China Mobile Announces the Results of the Procurement of 20 Major Bidding Packages for PC Servers

Updated:2024/5/13 16:15

China Mobile announced the winning bids for the centralized procurement project of PC servers in 2024, including bidding packages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 15, 17, 18, 19, and 22. Combined with the previously announced packages 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, and 20, a total of 20 bidding packages have been disclosed, with only packages 10 and 21 remaining undisclosed.

According to estimates, the total amount awarded for the 20 disclosed bidding packages is around CNY 16.2 billion (excluding taxes), with a total of 18 winning bidders. In terms of the number of bidding packages won, ZTE won the most, securing shares in 11 packages. This was followed by H3C and Kunlun , both winning shares in 6 packages. Sichuan Hongxin won shares in 5 packages. Based on the overall data disclosed, ZTE, H3C, and xFusion emerged as the winners of this round of procurement.

According to the procurement announcement previously released by China Mobile, the estimated scale of the PC server procurement for this project is around 264,500 units. The project adopts a mixed bidding method and is divided into 22 bidding packages.

Based on the scale of the 2024 PC server procurement project, which China Mobile has not fully disclosed the results of, this PC server procurement will be the largest in recent years, reaching a historic high.

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