Nearly 1.6 Million 5G Base Stations Built in China

Updated:2022/5/20 14:34

On the recently held “World Telecommunication & Information Society Day 2022”, Zhang Yunming, Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology, disclosed that China has built nearly 1.6 million 5G base stations.

According to Zhang Yunming, China has built the world's largest mobile broadband and optical fiber network and achieved a leading network scale in the world. Up to now, China has built nearly 1.6 million 5G base stations, the first in the world to build a scale 5G network based on an independent networking model. At the same time, fixed broadband is upgraded from 100M to gigabit, while the proportion of fiber users increased from less than 10% in 2012 to 94.3% in 2021.

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