F5G Advanced (F5G-A) represents a major leap forward in the evolution of fixed network technical standards. Industry organizations, carriers, device vendors, and industry enterprises are jointly exploring the development roadmap of F5G-A.
Recently, at the joint meeting between ETSI and the China Communications Standards Association (CCSA), C114 sat down with Dr. Marcus Brunner, Vice Chairman of ETSI ISG F5G, to discuss the diverse driving forces, maturity of key technologies, and global progress of F5G-A, as well as the in-depth integration of AI and F5G-A.
Key points of the interview:
C114: Which services and applications do you think are the key driving forces or directions for F5G-A service scenarios?
Marcus Brunner: I'd like to start by asking, what do carriers, home users, and enterprise users expect from the next-generation fixed network? What do they want to achieve with it?
The requirements vary across enterprises, vertical industries, and telecom carriers, making it difficult to identify which service or application to focus on as a key direction.
In F5G-A, we have conducted extensive research into a range of different applications and service scenarios, including hologram, virtual reality, enterprise to the cloud, and high-end industrial applications that involve a large number of cameras. Different types of applications have different requirements, which we take into account when designing the F5G-A architecture and network.
C114: What are the key technologies behind F5G-A? What about the maturity and global commercial deployment of these technologies? Which regions are leading in this aspect?
Marcus Brunner: In terms of fundamental technologies, we have Wi-Fi 7, fiber to the room (FTTR), 50G PON, fgOTN, and 800Gbps OTN from the device to the core of the network and the data cventers. We also have networks based on full fibers and all-optical wavelengths, and E2E cloud access.
We also need to consider many other peripheral technologies. For example, AI is critical to network operations, and low-latency technologies are required by some applications. All these technologies are integrated into the F5G-A network.
These technologies are mature, but they are yet to be widely deployed. I'm confident that they will see wider application over time. The technologies have been standardized and are ready for use. But those engaged in network deployment know that there can be challenges for large-scale deployment.
Despite these challenges, some companies have started to put these technologies into commercial use, and we have conducted numerous Proof of Concept (PoC) tests for new technologies. Regarding commercial deployment, some carriers even use F5G Advanced or F5G-A as a marketing term and provide services for customers using these technologies.
Around the world, we are seeing F5G upgrade to F5G-A. China is leading the charge, with Chinese companies and ecosystems playing a central role in defining and standardizing these technologies.
C114: As one of the most popular technologies, AI is applied in various industries, and various applications will become intelligent. How will these influence the inter-generational evolution of fixed networks? How can F5G-A technologies drive AI development?
Marcus Brunner: F5G-A technologies form the foundation for AI applications. AI is made available for users through networks, and it relies on networks to deliver better user experience.
F5G-A provides a robust network foundation to ensure quick access of AI applications. At the same time, we use AI to improve network performance and provide customers with better experience and higher-quality services. In this way, AI can optimize network operation to ensure network stability and efficiency, benefiting both users and service providers.