Policy & Regulation

5G Users Account for 28% of Total in Three Major Carriers

Updated:2022/8/26 16:55

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently released the Economic Operation of the Communications Industry from January to July 2022. In terms of telecommunications user development, as of the end of July, the total number of cell phone users of the three basic telecommunications operators reached 1.672 billion, a net increase of 29.41 million over the end of the previous year. Among them, 5G cell phone users reached 475 million, a net increase of 120 million over the end of the previous year, accounting for 28.4% of the total cell phone users.

The data also showed that by the end of July, the total number of users with fixed Internet broadband access provided by the three basic telecommunication operators reached 566 million, a net increase of 30.7 million over the end of the previous year; the three basic telecommunication operators developed 1.667 billion cellular IoT terminal users, a net increase of 270 million over the end of the previous year, accounting for 49.9% of the mobile network terminal connections (including cell phone users and cellular IoT terminal users). The total number of IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) subscribers reached 368 million, a net increase of 19.79 million over the end of the previous year.

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