
5G Cell Phones with Large Screens: 100%

Updated:2022/12/30 15:41

According to the Monitoring Report on Domestic Cell Phone Product Interaction Carrier Characteristics (vol. 3 2022) released by CAICT, among cell phones launched in China in Q3 of 2022, 79.8% of the models have large screens (5 inches and above); 100% of 5G cell phones have large screens while 72.2% of 4G cell phones have large screens.

Statistics of CAICT show that 81.7% of the cell phones launched in China in Q3 of 2022 are HD cell phones (HD720 and above); 100% of 5G cell phones are HD models while 75.9% of 4G cell phones are HD models.

CAICT statistics also reveal that 76.9% of the cell phones launched in China in Q3 of 2022 show a screen-to-front panel ratio of over 70%; among others, 100% of 5G cell phones are with a screen-to-front panel ratio of over 70%.

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