
Jiangsu Mobile Completes Verification of Differentiated Network Experience Guarantee

Updated:2024/6/17 15:44

Recently, China Mobile Jiangsu (also known as Jiangsu Mobile) and Huawei took the lead in completing the commercial verification of intelligent, differentiated network experience guarantee based on Huawei's intelligent personalized experience (IPE) solution across Jiangsu province in China. This means that Jiangsu Mobile can guarantee a differentiated, personalized experience on certain services for its users. The verification involves the live streaming experiences of eight apps, in particular the sports event live streaming of China Mobile's Migu app.

The network experience guarantee is made possible by the NWDAF-based network intelligence of the core network and intelligent base stations. It allows operators to implement a hierarchical service experience guarantee, based on which they can roll out new network guarantee privileges for users and achieve closed-loop experience monetization for both 5G and 5G-A.

Network intelligence enables the core network to accurately detect services and evaluate the service experience in real time. Only when the network detects that there are poor-QoE events in users' services, it delivers experience guarantees. This on-demand guarantee mechanism effectively optimizes the experience of users suffering from poor service qualities and avoids unnecessary resource allocation to users who are already experiencing a good level of experience. With this service, a user will receive an experience guarantee report immediately after a service guarantee completes or on a monthly basis. Such a report provides the actual guarantee results, including the guarantee times, duration, and effects. These features are much more intelligent than the experience guarantee in the 4G era, which is not only static but is also unperceived by users and lacks effective measurement on the guarantee effects. In a word, the NWDAF-based network experience guarantee service allows operators to evaluate, guarantee, and monetize user experience, starting a new chapter for hierarchical experience operations.

Jiangsu Mobile has fully verified the experience guarantee for live streaming services on its networks and has achieved cross-city and cross-vendor interconnection. To achieve a network experience guarantee in different cities, cross-city and cross-vendor interconnection must be realized and the E2E network experience guarantee process covering the identification, evaluation, dynamic guarantee, and post-guarantee report must be streamlined. Through concerted efforts, Jiangsu Mobile has made the network guarantee available for live streaming services across cities within the province. This will deliver great benefits to those who are highly mobile and engage in intra-provincial travel on a regular basis, like outdoor streamers.

Migu, as a video app of China Mobile, was also a focus during this verification process. The intelligent core network can accurately identify multiple types of services in the Migu app, such as VOD and sports events live streams. Based on the above, the network guarantee can be implemented on demand for sports events live streams, which requires stable downlink rates, to ensure high definition, zero frame freezing, and low latency. This makes it readily available for the live streaming of the upcoming Euro Cup and Olympic Games.

China Mobile Jiangsu will continue to verify services such as video conferencing, HD video, 3D video, and XR, to provide users with an experience guarantee on more services.

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