
Ren Zhengfei: Huawei Have Prepared a Dozen Years for Today

Updated:2019/1/18 14:23

“The problems we may face today were expected a dozen years ago. We’ve prepared a dozen years and we’re not totally rushed and unprepared. These problems will impact us, but the impact won’t be big, and there won’t be serious problems,” said Ren Zhengfei, founder and president of Huawei.

Ren had a formal discussion with Chinese media at the Shenzhen headquarters yesterday. He commented on many issues of greatest concern to the industry. On 5G, for example, he said there are very few people doing 5G in the world, but Huawei is doing the best; there are not many people doing microwave in the world, but Huawei is doing the best.; there is only one combining the 5G base station and the cutting-edge microwave technology into one base station in the world, which is Huawei.

When talking about her daughter Meng Wanzhou, CFO of Huawei, Ren said that they would go through legal procedures.

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