Internet Of Things

LoRa Alliance: An Integrated Ecosystem Has Been Formed With Alibaba Aiding

Updated:2018/7/4 14:12

The Internet of Things is still on the rise this year. At the MWC Shanghai Exhibition held recently, “The Internet of Things Pavilion” Hall N4 was opened, which fully demonstrated the current mainstream IoT technologies, products and applications in vertical industries.

Undoubtedly LoRaWAN is one of technologies under the spotlight . In China, owing to vigorous promotion of NB-IoT construction by the government, the three major operators responded. LoRaWAN is widely regarded as a competitive technology of NB-IoT in the industry and its development prospects are also of great attention by the industry. “We have an exceedingly integrated ecosystem”, LoRa Alliance ambassador Kenny Pai told the C114 and other media during the MWC Shanghai exhibition.

According to Kenny Pai’s introduction, LoRa Alliance CEO Donna Moore took office this year. The board of directors has 15 members and three committees. One is responsible for standard setting, one for project verification, one for market validation, and helps alliance members from product architecture design to verification to the entire process of the market. It is worth mentioning that this year, Alibaba Cloud Computing's IoT general manager of business department Ku Wei was elected as a member of the LoRa Alliance board of directors, and Dr. Xiaobo Yu was appointed as the vice chairman of the Asia-Pacific region.

LoRa Alliance has established for more than two years, and LoRaWAN has begun to deploy the market, which has the features of long life, long distance, low cost, and flexible network construction. Specifically, LoRaWAN adopts low-power architecture, with an up to ten-year life of terminal mission and the transmission distance can reach several tens of kilometers. It not only can support private networks but also public networks, which are flexible by network builders.

Nowadays 83 operators around the world support LoRaWAN and more than 100 countries have deployed LoRaWAN networks, from the United States, China to Russia, Southeast Asia, and South America, achieving a wide range of global coverage. In China, Alibaba is a vital supporter and set up LoRa networks in Hangzhou, Ningbo and other cities. The application fields include smart cities, smart homes, smart agriculture and smart firefighting.


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