Software & Apps

Symantec and Kaspersky are removed from list of security software providers by China government

Updated:2014/8/4 14:09

According to C114, People's Daily announced in its Twitter account on last Sunday, the government procurement units "have removed Symantec and Kaspersky" from the list of security software providers.

This Twitter account subsequently issued the second news, the five antivirus software approved by the Government Procurement Office were: Qihoo 360, Venustech, Beijing Jiangmin, KILL and Rising.

Products from domestic security vendors gain a complete victory in the government acquisition in 2014, which is closely related with the attention that the government paid to information security. After the Snowden event, information security further attracted the governments’ attention.

However, a up-to-date list of security software procurement in key industry shows that, the share of foreign security companies still cannot be underestimated, especially in telecommunications, electric power, energy and other key fields, foreign security software still occupy an important position.

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