
Huawei Cloud Covers 93 Availability Zones Worldwide

Updated:2024/6/17 20:14

On June 14, the Huawei Cloud East China (Wuhu) Data Center officially commenced operations, marking the full completion of the nationwide layout of Huawei Cloud's computing and storage network hubs.

Huawei's rotating chairman, Xu Zhijun, stated in his keynote speech titled "Embracing the Intelligent Era, Building a Strong Computational Foundation," that cloud computing and AI are critical digital technologies. Huawei hopes that the cloud data center in Wuhu can help everyone access the latest technologies and products. "You don't need to build your own data centers, worry about infrastructure like power and cooling, or be anxious about equipment maintenance and product upgrades. Nowadays, whether it’s general-purpose computing or AI computing, there’s almost a new generation every year. With cloud-based products and services, you can access them anytime you need, and the technology is always up-to-date."

Xu Zhijun revealed that, as of now, Huawei Cloud has covered 33 geographic regions and 93 availability zones worldwide, creating a global network of computing and storage that is performance-leading, stable in operation, and secure. It provides services to customers in over 170 countries and regions.

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